AdTech News And Editorial
Artisanal Adtech
Dave Carroll compares Adtech to the beer industry and it's glorious:
All beer used to vaguely resemble the urine we excrete after consuming it. It was fully commoditized into a uniformly unpalatable product that was differentiated by brand labeling but not by any other qualities. It had no flavor but it got you drunk. It was cheap but ultimately was not meeting a broader set of consumer needs. It was just meeting an industries’ need, to have something to connect to the tap or put on the shelf with enough profit margin to justify the trouble.
Emirates Creates The Best Native Ad Ever
Seriously. Emirates demonstrates the power of immersive and unconventional advertising.
Vice CEO Shane Smith on dealing with agencies: ‘We want to make great shit but it's a war’
Vice's CEO articulates the strain between publishers and agencies today:
"We wanted to do something innovative and disruptive, but everyone told us to go to hell,” he said. “We want to make great shit but it’s a war to do it every day because people don’t want to get out of their standard operating procedure and what they know."
French news sites are joining together to block the ad blockers
First, Swedish publishers united to stonewall people using ad blockers, and now French news sites are uniting for the same cause. At what point does a trend emerge?
Ad Blocker Users Have Been Given a Raw DEAL
From The Article:
"Provide users the opportunity to skip video ads and disable tracking. Perform actual research into ad targeting rather than use an algorithm. Get rid of clickbait, and stop harming site performance."
Apple News: Sponsored content coming
From The Article:
According to the native-banner format, sponsored ads will "display directly in the content feeds, in line with News articles," and can link to an article in the News app. The advertising format is available for the iPhone and iPad versions of Apple News.
Fox Joins Media’s Programmatic Ad Push
Fox Networks Group will developing software that helps advertisers better target its audiences on TV
The Financial Times racked up 45 million podcast downloads last year
Podcasts are clearly mainstream at this point.
Privacy And Ad Tracking
How your data is collected and commoditised via “free” online services
This is an excellent explanation on the 'behind the scenes' data transmission online.
How Not to Survive the Ad-block-alypse
From The Article:
In terms of protecting internet users, due to its function of entirely blocking ads and the tracking codes that come with the ads, ad blockers help secure user devices in an internet that is in the grips of a malvertising epidemic. When asked for a comment on the matter, Mikko Hypponen, CRO, F-Secure said, “ad serving platforms are used to deliver malware, and internet users should stay safe by using ad blocking technology”.
Big-name sites hit by rash of malicious ads spreading crypto ransomware
From The Article:
Mainstream websites, including those published by The New York Times, the BBC, MSN, and AOL, are falling victim to a new rash of malicious ads that attempt to surreptitiously install crypto ransomware and other malware on the computers of unsuspecting visitors, security firms warned.